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Coffee Cake;

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Stolen Recipes for Coffee lovers

Sweet Espresso

Add sugar to the espresso. Because espresso is usually a small cup of coffee, lumps of sugar are not all that good. They work, but it is better to use granules.

A very common sweetener is honey.

Espresso and Milk

Theoretically, the story behind espresso and milk is to trap the aroma. Espresso has much aromatic properties which vaporize quickly. So, a thin layer of milk is used to trap the aromatic properties in the cup.


Froth is the process done to milk to make it foam. All espresso and most expresso machines have a special tub to make steam which is used to make froth. Typically, the froth is made with a thick milk as opposed to skim milk. The milk is in a container with a spout for controlled pouring. The container is held under the tub and a valve is turned which allows steam to froth the milk. Basically, it is making hot foamy milk.

The milk is carefully poured into the espresso in such a manner not to sink or mix with the coffee.

Espresso Macchiato

Espresso with just a stain of milk. A very small amount of milk just to stain the coffee.

Latte Macchiato

This is the opposite of staining the espresso with the milk. This is where the milk is added first and the espresso is used to stain the milk.

Caffe Mocha

One-third espresso, one-third hot chocolate and one-third frothed milk served in a large class. This is not to be confused with Mocha-Java coffee beans. It doesn't mean it comes from Mocha either.

Con Panna

Coffee with whipped cream. May be espresso but sometimes it can be any cup of coffee.


Double Cappuccino, double Caffe Latte, or double Caffe Mocha means a double helping in espresso or otherwise of everything. However, some people think it means double the coffee but not the fixings. Oh well.

Extra Strength

Extra strength means more double the coffee but not the water. This is a condition where one would use more coffee grinds than normally called for.

Iced Espresso

Usually a double espresso poured over lots of crushed ice in a fancy glass. Sometimes topped with whipped cream.

Iced Cappuccino

Espresso poured over crushed ice, topped with equal part of cold milk, and topped with cold frothed or whipped milk.

Espresso Granita

Italian granitas involve freezing strong, unsweetened espresso, crushing it, and serving it in a parfait glass or sundae dish topped with sweetened whipped cream.


Typically, a 1.5 ounce of espresso, topped by hot milk and foam. Ideally, cappuccino consists of on-third espresso, one-third hot milk, and one-third foam. May or may not be drunk with sugar.


Many times referred to as Caffe Latte or cafe au lait, or cafe con leche. Simply the same as cappuccino with much more milk. Additionally, it is mixed by pouring the milk and the coffee from opposites sides of the cup. Although traditionally made with espresso, it dilutes the coffee so much that it is now made with standard brews.

Mocha Latte

1/4 espresso,
1/4 hot chocolate,
1/4 hot milk,
1/4 foam.

Made generally the same as Latte. Pour the espresso, hot chocolate, and milk together, then top with foam.

Irish Coffee

1 teaspoon sugar
1 or 2 tablespoons Irish whiskey
regular black coffee
optional cream or lightly whipped cream.

Schmidty's Irish Coffee

2 teaspoons granulated sugar.
2 teaspoons Irish whiskey.
2/3 cup of hot French roast coffee.
Heavy cream lightly wipped as garnish.

Place surgar and wiskey in a cup then mix till surgar has gone into solution. Pour in coffee then carefully pour cream on top. Do not mix in cream.


1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee.
2-3 teaspoons of sugar.
milk with ice-cubes.

Frappe coffee is widely consumed in parts of Europe and Latin America. It is made with cold espresso. It is prepared in most places by shaking into a shaker with instant coffee, sugar, milk and ice-cubes. It is served in a long glass with ice and a straw. One important thing is the thick froth on top of the glass.

Frappe Alexander

2 cups chilled double strength coffee.
3 tablespoons granulated sugar.
1/4 cup brandy.
1/4 cup heavy cream.
1/4 cup cream de cacao.
Ice cubes.
Nutmeg for garnish.

Combine ingredients in blender till frothy. Pour in classes. Typically serves 4. Top with nutmeg.

Coffee Royal

A regular cup of coffee with whiskey or bourbon.

Turkish Coffee

Turkish Coffee requires special grind. It is hard to come by but can be purchased at a good specialty coffee outlet. The grind is extra fine. It is a fine powder.

Put a table spoon or more, in a coffee cup and nuke in the microwave oven. Take it out and drink it.

It can be made on a stove too. However, because a microwave makes water hotter than a stove, microwave ovens are starting to be used for this purpose.

There is no need to filter the grinds out because they may settle out.

Old-fashioned Coffee Soda

3 cups chilled double strength coffee
1 tablespoon superfine grind sugar
1 cup of heavy cream; or half&half.
1/3 cup of chilled club soda.
Wipped cream and marachino cherries for garnish.

Ciudad Cooler

4 cups extra strength coffee.
2 cinnamon sticks.
4 whole cloves.
3 whole allspice.
1/2 cup of heavy wipping cream.

Mix the coffee, cinnamon, cloves, and allspice in a large pot and steep for 30 minutes. Fill four tall galsses with cracked ice. Strain the coffee through a filter and pour int each glass.

Turkish Cola Float

1 part chilled extra strength coffee.
1 part dark coffee ice cream.
1 part cola.

Scoop the ice cream into a glass, pour in coffee, and carefully pour in cola. Cola and ice cream fiss, so lit takes a little care in mixing this drink.

Cappuccino Borgia

1/4 peeled orange.
1/4 cup of coolled espresso.
1 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream
6 tablespoons orange juice.
1/4 cup whole milk.
Whipped cream, grated orange, and chocolate bocca beans for garnish.

Mix the espresso, orange, ice cream, orange juice, and milk in a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into glass and garnish.

Calypso Cooler

1 cup chilled extra strenght coffee.
2 small ripe bananas.
2 cups coffee ice cream.
4 tablespoons rum.
Ground cinnamon for garnish.

Puree bananas and coffee in blender, then add ice cream and rum, blend till thick. Pour in glass and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Angostura Cooler

2 cups chilled extra strength coffee.
2 cups vanilla ice cream. 1 tablespoon Angostura Bitters.
Whipped cream and chocolate curls for garnish.

Blend ingredients, pour in 4 tall glasses, fill with whipped cream, and top with chocolate curls.

Supreme Bean Grog

1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice.
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg.
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves.
2 tablespoons of butter.
2 cups of packed brown sugar.
1 cup of rum.
2 cups of hot Italian roast coffee.
Grated orange for garnish.

Combine spices in small bowl and mix. Beat butter until light and add sugar slowly until blended. But 1/8 teaspoon is spices in cup, pour in 1/2 cup of rum, 1 cup butter/sugar mixture, and add 1/2 cup of coffee. Makes 4 one pint mugs.

Caffe Zabaglone

4 egg yolks.
1/4 cup granulated sugar.
1/8 teaspoon salt.
1/4 cup dry Marsala wine.
3/4 cup Italian roast coffee room temperature.

Beat the egg yolks, sugar, and salt till creamy pale yellow. Slowly stir in wine. Cook over a double boiler and wisk till mixture becomes a thick foam and soft mounds form. Fold in coffee until blended. Pour into 4 goblets. Serve with spoon.

New Orleans Coffee Eggnog

1/2 cup of eggnog.
1/2 cup of double strength New Orleans coffee (American roast).
1/2 cup of heavy cream.
1/2 cup of bourbon.
Nutmeg for garnish. Whip eggnog, coffee, and cream till thick. Fold in bourbon. Garnish. Serves 2.

Royal Coffee Punch

4 cups extra strenght coffee cool.
1 cup powdered sugar.
1 cup brandy.
1 megnum champagne, chilled.

Combine in a large pitcher or bowl. Mix gently. Serves 16-12.

Sambuca Mosca

2 shots Sambuca.
5 roasted coffee beans.

Pour Sambuca in a liqueur glass, drop on beans. Light with match. Serve imediately.

Cardamom Kaffe

1 Cardamom pods, cracked and seeded.
1/8 cup cognac.
2 teaspoons curacao.
1 teaspoon sugar.
1/2 cups extra strength coffee.

Combine Cardamom pods, cognac, curacao, and sugar in a cup. Heat gently or NUKE in microwave oven for about 10 seconds and light. Serve with a siren. Allow guest to put out burning mixture with the 1/2 cup of coffee.

Chili and Beans

1 cup of dark roasted coffee beans.
1 can of chili and beans.
1 cup Vodka.
Sour cream and cheddar cheese for garnish.

Soak roasted coffee beans in Vodka over night. Pour off the Vodka into two glasses. Mix coffee beans with can of chilli and beans then simmer, stir occansionally. Serve in 2 bowls with Vodka.

Coffee Sauce

1 cup granulated sugar.
2 cups extra strenght coffee.
2 tablespoons cornstarch.
2 tablespoons butter.
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Melt sugar slowly in heavy skillet till amber color. Slowly add 1 1/2 cup of coffee stirring constantly. Steams heavily. In a small bowl, blend cornstarch and 1/2 cup of coffee, then pour sugar mixture and cook till thickens. Remove from heat and stir in butter and salt till blended. Serve warm over any thing.

Coffee Candy

This is good. Melt semisweet chocolate in a pan and add sugar. Depending on taste, add some cream. Put in some fine coffee grinds. Typically, Turkish Coffee grinds. Pour into a candy bar container. Allow to harden.

Coffee Cinder

1 cup of over roasted Robusta coffee beans.
6 ounces of milk chocolate.

Melt chocolate. Coat a small chunk ice cube container with some of the chocolate. Put 3 to 5 beans in ice cube container. Pour remaining chocolate over beans. Allow to cool or chill.


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